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Crisis & Issues

Get ready! When the going gets tough.

The media intensifies crisis situations. Forums, chats or discussions on social networks are often hotbeds for controversial topics which can escalate to a critical point for companies. Are you ready for these challenges?

We support our clients with crisis prevention and issue management to minimize the risks. We rely on crisis audits, and web-based tools to simulate relevant scenarios and consult clients on topics like organization and scheduling. From strategic advice to onsite, hands-on support, we have supported our clients in all sorts of crisis situations. This includes Europe-wide product recalls, EU antitrust cases, plant closures, mass layoffs, accidents, social media crisis, as well as data protection and compliance issues.

Unfortunately things get a little hairy sometimes. Therefore, we can be reached around the clock on the crisis hotline 089 4702771-26 in case of an emergency

11 Tobias Müller

Tobias Müller

Board & Partner

More about Crisis & Issues?


Phone+49 89 47 02 771 - 12

„We do all we can to prevent a fire. And if something’s burning, then we put it out.“ 

Tobias Müller

Online Crisis Management Tool

Successfully mastering crises. With the right online platform.

Nowadays, online platforms are the means of choice for comprehensive crisis prevention and effective crisis management. A web-based solution offers many advantages over previous crisis manuals: greater security, speed, timeliness and efficiency. This makes work easier, especially when the pressure is high and information security is especially important.

For this reason we recommend using Klenk & Hoursch’s Online Crisis Management (OCM) tool, based on the highly secure data room from Brainloop*. It allows crisis team members to interact seamlessly and provides a highly secure, shared filing system that can be accessed by all parties around the clock, regardless of the company's existing IT structure. Collaboration and differentiated assignment of roles and rights are included. The current and final, published information is always available, ensuring consistent communication.

The fact is: with a modern, online crisis management platform it is doubtlessly easier to control the risk factors of crises. We would be happy to advise you on how a suitable crisis structure can be set up in your company and implemented on a secure online platform.

Talk to Tobias Müller about viewing a free presentation of the OCM - via screenshare or at your office.

* The OCM tool can also be set up on the basis of other technical platforms.

Social Media crisis training

Trained for emergencies: Do a stress test on your social media team.

Whether on Facebook or in the newspaper: a crisis is a crisis. But the Social Web has its own rules. The cornerstone of crisis prevention is a Social Media governance and online crisis handbooks. The decisive difference in an emergency, however, is the realistic simulation of a Social Media crisis in a closed and protected environment.

Klenk & Hoursch's social media crisis training starts right here, allowing for real-time stress tests under real conditions on all popular channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs etc.). For each training an individually tailored scenario with several escalation levels is prepared. The online-based training platform “Social Simulator” replicates popular social media channels in a closed and protected environment, enabling channel-adequate communications training. This is an ideal prerequisite for checking team play, crisis setup, processes and workflows - and optimizing them where necessary.

Your social media team can take part in our social media crisis training independently, or it can be included in our comprehensive crisis training program which covers a range of scenarios.

Further information on the scope, procedure and objectives of a social media crisis training can be found in our slideshare presentation. We would be happy to advise you on the planning of your crisis training on the Social Web and prepare a personal, non-binding quote. Please contact Tobias Müller or use our enquiry form.


Kommunizieren unter Druck

Krisenmedientrainings sind unerlässlich, um in Ausnahmesituationen souverän und kompetent mit Medienvertretern zu kommunizieren - am Telefon, im Gespräch vor Ort sowie in Pressemitteilungen und Interviews. Klenk & Hoursch bietet Pressesprechern, Geschäftsführern, Leitern der Unternehmenskommunikation sowie Mitarbeitern aus den Bereichen Kommunikation, HR, IT, Notfallmanagement und anderen maßgeschneiderte Trainings, die Ihr Kommunikationsteam auf den Umgang mit Journalisten, Pressekonferenzen und öffentlichen Statements vorbereiten. Unsere praxisnahen Übungen und Simulationen helfen Ihnen, Botschaften klar und präzise zu vermitteln, kritische Fragen professionell zu beantworten und das Vertrauen der Öffentlichkeit zu erhalten. In unseren Trainings legen wir besonderen Wert auf zwei Bereiche:

  • Vermittlung von Botschaften: Was wird gesagt? Und welche Botschaft kommt an? Eine gut strukturierte und transparente Kommunikation hilft, Missverständnisse zu vermeiden und das Vertrauen der Stakeholder zu stärken.
  • Körpersprache: In der Krisenkommunikation spielt die Körpersprache eine entscheidende Rolle. Sie ergänzt und verstärkt die verbale Kommunikation, kann aber auch unerwünschte Signale aussenden. Eine offene, aufrechte Haltung, direkter Blickkontakt und ruhige Handbewegungen vermitteln Sicherheit und Glaubwürdigkeit. In Stresssituationen hilft die bewusste Kontrolle der Körpersprache, Ruhe auszustrahlen und Vertrauen bei den Zuhörern zu schaffen.

Case Studies

Klenk & Hoursch
Image-Barometer 2024

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